Zaful review

јануар 05, 2018

K:  Hello everyone

We are doing another review from Zaful. We orderedtwo shirts, one earring and two sets of makeup brushes.

I will start from the items that I ordered

 Zdravo svima!

Radimo jos jednu recenziju proizvoda sa Zafula. Narucile smo dva duksa, mndjusu i dva seta cetkica.

Pocecu od stvarcica koje sam ja narucila.

 The brushes are really great. I love them. They have really good quality and the hair doesn't fall off them at all. Both sets are amazing!
One is toothbrush set, and the other one is diamond shaped set.
They are amazing, I don't have any complaints!

 Cetkice su stavrno super. Obozavam ih. Dobrog su kvaliteta i dlake ne otpadaju uopste! Oba seta su stavrno odlicna. Jedan set je onaj Toothbrush set, dok je drugi diamond shaped set.
Stvarno su odlicni, nemam zamerke!

Links: HERE

First of all, this is a clip on earring and it's more of a piercing. It looks more like a piercing than an earring.
 It has rignestones all over it and it's pretty cool. The color is golden and you can easily put it on.

Pre svega, ovo je klip mindjusa koja vise lici na pirsing. Ima one stavrcice sto podsecaju na dijamante po sebi i deluje stvarno kul. Boja je zlatna i lako se postavlja.

Link: HERE

M: I ordered this cat hoodie. I really like it, it's oversized and very cool. I like to wear it.

M: Naručila sam duks. Sviđa mi se, širok je i veoma kul. Volim da ga nosim.

Link: HERE

Thanks for reading!

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