Rosegal review
децембар 03, 2017
K: Hello there!
Today we decided to write another review from Rosegal. I know that we are boring you with these reviews post, but you don't have to read our posts if you don't like them.
We ordered four things two sets of makeup brushes, one small led lamp, and a long sleeved dress.
Let us start.
Zdravo svima!
Danas smo odlucile da napisemo jos jedan review. Znam da vas smaramo sa ovakvim postovima, ali ne morate da ih citate ako necete.Narucile smo cetiri stvari jednu haljinu dugih rukava, jednu malu led lampicu, i dva seta cetkica. Hajde da pocnemo.
I ordered one set of makeup brushes and that small led lamp.
The brushes are really great. I love them. They have really good quality and the hair doesn't fall off them at all. As you can see they are "ombre" and perfect.
Porucila sam jedan set cetkica i jednu malu led lampu.
Cetkice su stavrno super. Obozavam ih. Dobrog su kvaliteta i dlake ne otpadaju uopste! Kao sto vidite ombre su boje i prosto savrsene.

The led lamp is really cool. It's in the shape of a pig and the lights are really intensive. Probably will end some more in the future!
Led lampica je mnogo kul. U obliku je svinje i svetli dosta jako. Verovatno cu naruciti jos ovakvih u buducnosti!
A: I've ordered one shirt but unfortunately I lost my photo of it. So I can't show you that. The second thing I've ordered are brushes. They are so good and they were very cheap. I love them!
A: Ja sam narucila jednu majicu, ali nazalost izgubila sam tu sliku pa ne mogu da vam je pokazem. Druga stvar koju sam narucila su ove cetkice. Veoma su dobre i bile su veoma jeftine. Obozavam ih!
Link: HERE
Thank you for reading!
Today we decided to write another review from Rosegal. I know that we are boring you with these reviews post, but you don't have to read our posts if you don't like them.
We ordered four things two sets of makeup brushes, one small led lamp, and a long sleeved dress.
Let us start.
Zdravo svima!
Danas smo odlucile da napisemo jos jedan review. Znam da vas smaramo sa ovakvim postovima, ali ne morate da ih citate ako necete.Narucile smo cetiri stvari jednu haljinu dugih rukava, jednu malu led lampicu, i dva seta cetkica. Hajde da pocnemo.
I ordered one set of makeup brushes and that small led lamp.
The brushes are really great. I love them. They have really good quality and the hair doesn't fall off them at all. As you can see they are "ombre" and perfect.
Porucila sam jedan set cetkica i jednu malu led lampu.
Cetkice su stavrno super. Obozavam ih. Dobrog su kvaliteta i dlake ne otpadaju uopste! Kao sto vidite ombre su boje i prosto savrsene.

The led lamp is really cool. It's in the shape of a pig and the lights are really intensive. Probably will end some more in the future!
Led lampica je mnogo kul. U obliku je svinje i svetli dosta jako. Verovatno cu naruciti jos ovakvih u buducnosti!
A: I've ordered one shirt but unfortunately I lost my photo of it. So I can't show you that. The second thing I've ordered are brushes. They are so good and they were very cheap. I love them!
A: Ja sam narucila jednu majicu, ali nazalost izgubila sam tu sliku pa ne mogu da vam je pokazem. Druga stvar koju sam narucila su ove cetkice. Veoma su dobre i bile su veoma jeftine. Obozavam ih!
Link: HERE
Thank you for reading!
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