Rosegal wishlist

октобар 23, 2017

A: Hello everyone. What's up? Stupid Monday is finally over and we're so tired of school. Today we are here with the new Rosegal wishlist. 
We know we are bored with those collaboration posts but we need to finish them. After that, we'll post normal post again.
Also, check out these ↓
Halloween clothes
Halloween promotion

Let's get started with our post! 

A: Zdravo svima. Šta ima? Glupi ponedeljak je konačno gotov i mi smo previše umorne od škole. Danas smo tu sa novom Rosegal wishlistom.
Znamo da smo dosadne sa postovima o saradnji, ali moramo da ih dovršimo. Posle toga, pisaćemo normalne postove opet.
Pogledajte ove sajtove gore ↑

Krenimo sa našim postom!

A: My choices:

A: Moj izbor:

Link: HERE

Link: HERE 

Link: HERE


Link: HERE

Link: HERE

Link: HERE

Thank you for reading!
Hvala na citanju! 

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