5 Types of guys: Which one is your date?
август 31, 2017
A: Hii!
We know school starts tommorow, and we feel like shit. We didn't want to write another back to school post, because we are sick of school even if it didn't start yet.
We got this post idea while we were riding a bike to Nishka Banja. While we were riding our bikes, we talked about how much we hate school and then this idea hit us. Even if this post's topic is not related to school.
After you're done reading this post, you'll know which guy is the ''perfect'' guy for you.
A: Caoo!
Znamo da skola pocinje sutra, i osecamo se k'o govna. Nismo htele da napisemo jos jedan BTS post jer nam je muka od skole iako jos uvek nije ni pocela.
Na ovu ideju za post smo dosle dok smo vozile bicikle do Niske Banje. Dok smo se vozile pricale smo o tome koliko mrzimo skolu i onda nam je ideja pala na pamet. Iako tema ovog posta nema veze sa skolom.
Kada zavrsite sa citanjem ovog posta, znacete koji je tip momka ''savrsen'' za vas.
1. The bad boy
K: You all know that guy that every girl likes and that's like super hot and stuff?
And the guy that offently breaks the law and he's like all adventures and dangerous? Well there ya go girls, if you are spontanious and ready to go on an adventure-this type of guy is the perfect for you.
K: Svi znate onog momka koji se svidja skoro svim devojkama i koji je, ono, super zgodan?
I momak koji povremeno krsi zakon i koji je avanturista i pomalo opasan? Pa eto devojke, ako ste spontane i spremne da se upustite u avanturu- ovaj tip momka je savrsen za vas.
2. The Kind Guy
A: I think that every girl wants that kind guy who want to listen to your problems and stuffs.
That's my type of guy, also, girls want the guy to be with her to give her a lot of attention and yea..
I hope that you'll get my point.
A: Mislim da svaka devojka zeli decka koji ce da slusa sve njene probleme i slicno. To je moj tip, takodje, devojke zele da decko bude sa njom i da joj posecuje dosta paznje..
Nadam se da shvatate moju poentu.
3. The Super Funny Guy
K: One of the best types of boys with whom you'll never be bored.
K: Jedan od najboljih tipova momaka sa kojim vam nikad nece biti dosadno.
4. The Best Friend
A: I think that in a relationship you should first be friends with that guy. You should get know eachother well before you date. He will always be there for you, even if you break up. Maybe that's the perfect guy for you.
A: Mislim da u vezi treba da budete prijatelji sa momkom. Treba da se poznajete dobro pre nego sto dejtujete. Uvek ce biti tu za tebe cak i kada raskinete. Mozda je to tvoj savrseni momak.
5. Guys like you
Well if you find the guy who is just like you, we mean, who likes the same movies and stuff like you. You've found yourself a keeper.
Ako nadjete momka koji je kao vi, mislimo, koji voli iste filmove i slicno kao i vi, nasli ste onog kog definitivno treba da zadrzite.
K: Well that would be it for this post.
If you found the perfect type for you in this post, we are very happy that we helped you.
K: Pa to bi bilo to za ovaj post.
Ako ste pronasle savrsenog tipa momaka za vas u ovom postu, srecne smo jer smo vam pomogle.
We know school starts tommorow, and we feel like shit. We didn't want to write another back to school post, because we are sick of school even if it didn't start yet.
We got this post idea while we were riding a bike to Nishka Banja. While we were riding our bikes, we talked about how much we hate school and then this idea hit us. Even if this post's topic is not related to school.
After you're done reading this post, you'll know which guy is the ''perfect'' guy for you.
A: Caoo!
Znamo da skola pocinje sutra, i osecamo se k'o govna. Nismo htele da napisemo jos jedan BTS post jer nam je muka od skole iako jos uvek nije ni pocela.
Na ovu ideju za post smo dosle dok smo vozile bicikle do Niske Banje. Dok smo se vozile pricale smo o tome koliko mrzimo skolu i onda nam je ideja pala na pamet. Iako tema ovog posta nema veze sa skolom.
Kada zavrsite sa citanjem ovog posta, znacete koji je tip momka ''savrsen'' za vas.
1. The bad boy
K: You all know that guy that every girl likes and that's like super hot and stuff?
And the guy that offently breaks the law and he's like all adventures and dangerous? Well there ya go girls, if you are spontanious and ready to go on an adventure-this type of guy is the perfect for you.
K: Svi znate onog momka koji se svidja skoro svim devojkama i koji je, ono, super zgodan?
I momak koji povremeno krsi zakon i koji je avanturista i pomalo opasan? Pa eto devojke, ako ste spontane i spremne da se upustite u avanturu- ovaj tip momka je savrsen za vas.
2. The Kind Guy
A: I think that every girl wants that kind guy who want to listen to your problems and stuffs.
That's my type of guy, also, girls want the guy to be with her to give her a lot of attention and yea..
I hope that you'll get my point.
A: Mislim da svaka devojka zeli decka koji ce da slusa sve njene probleme i slicno. To je moj tip, takodje, devojke zele da decko bude sa njom i da joj posecuje dosta paznje..
Nadam se da shvatate moju poentu.
3. The Super Funny Guy
K: One of the best types of boys with whom you'll never be bored.
K: Jedan od najboljih tipova momaka sa kojim vam nikad nece biti dosadno.
4. The Best Friend
A: I think that in a relationship you should first be friends with that guy. You should get know eachother well before you date. He will always be there for you, even if you break up. Maybe that's the perfect guy for you.
A: Mislim da u vezi treba da budete prijatelji sa momkom. Treba da se poznajete dobro pre nego sto dejtujete. Uvek ce biti tu za tebe cak i kada raskinete. Mozda je to tvoj savrseni momak.
5. Guys like you
Well if you find the guy who is just like you, we mean, who likes the same movies and stuff like you. You've found yourself a keeper.
Ako nadjete momka koji je kao vi, mislimo, koji voli iste filmove i slicno kao i vi, nasli ste onog kog definitivno treba da zadrzite.
K: Well that would be it for this post.
If you found the perfect type for you in this post, we are very happy that we helped you.
K: Pa to bi bilo to za ovaj post.
Ako ste pronasle savrsenog tipa momaka za vas u ovom postu, srecne smo jer smo vam pomogle.
5 коментара
Ja sam definitivno za ovog drugog i petog haha, ali uvijek se uhvatim ovih bad boys yeah fml haha. Odlična ideja za post i odličan post!
ОдговориИзбришиcheck my new post -> https://teenorchild.blogspot.hr/
Haha. Hvala Josipa! :)
ИзбришиVi danas krecete u skolu 😲? Mi u bosni, tek od ponedjeljak. Drago mi je sto nije u pitanju bts post. Meni se uvijek najvise svide bad boys, iako ih ne podnosim xd jer su umisljeni
Da, mi smo juče krenule u školu.. :( Slažemo se
ИзбришиGreat post girls!